Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Biggest Loser, Writing, and Resolutions

The new season of The Biggest Loser premiered tonight. I am finding it amusing that my BFF and I both have namesakes on the show. I am getting a kick out of hearing Bob yell at Andrea to stop crying and to keep working. I may have to record the season, or certain clips of the show, and play them to get my a$$ in gear!

As for my personal writing challenge, I feel like I did pretty well tonight! I had to tweak part of an interview to resubmit to Associated Content, then tweaked four others to also submit. I managed to put up a piece on Montessori Examiner. This morning I did a short blog entry on my Montessori blog, and have another one that will go up in a couple of minutes when I am done with this one. My goal was to put up one blog and post one article per day. (And if I have to, then average it out for the month.)

Can I maintain without losing my mind?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck hon! I had a halfway decent writing day too..sort of. :) I cheated and submitted three articles that I didn't write today...oops! Lmao
