Monday, April 30, 2012

My Daddy Tribute: Z is for Zappy

Again, I refer to that fabulous site that has assisted me greatly during this challenge. I found a word on The Phrontistery that describes my father well: zappy. The definition is "lively; entertaining." If you have been reading through this blog or knew my father in person, you would have to agree that this sums him up pretty well. Even when he was sick or just wasn't feeling well, he was an entertaining man. He was a bundle of energy that could fill a room, in a good way. He was a tremendous person who is greatly missed by many people.

To those of you who have been taking this journey with me this month, I would like to say thank you. I didn't quite pull it off in the proper fashion, as I have had to write in big bursts of posts. But the challenge is now complete. I feel reconnected to my father again. I have laughed and cried while reminiscing about him this month. With it being a year since he got sick and almost a year since he died, I am feeling more and more closure and acceptance. Thanks for sharing this with me.

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